Although I love and adore music, I tend to get distracted when one of my favorite music streaming apps Spotify automatically opens up on startup in Mac. Here, selecting the right playlist becomes more important than my office tasks. Does that happen to you as well? Then you need to stop Spotify from opening on Mac startup.

First, if you are able to open the Spotify app, go to Settings Advanced Settings, and then look for the option that says Startup and Window Behavior. Make sure that Spotify is turned off as a. Read on to find out how to install the app on your computer, search for content, find personalized recommendations, save songs, create playlists, download music, and much more. How to Download the Spotify Desktop App. For Windows, Mac, and Linux users, it's easy to download and install the desktop version of the Spotify app.

Spotify App Won 27t Open On Macbook Pro

You can now use the Spotify software on your computer for 2 weeks (can’t use the iPhone app without upgrading to Premium service). Every two weeks Spotify will re-check your IP address. If it doesn't work, check if your anti-virus or other 3rd party app installed on your PC is blocking it or not. Spotify synchronization doesn’t match the song (1 second behind/ahead) Don't keep Spotify open while using the Desktop app. If you really need it, try using Spotify web. If the problem still persists, please read the following FAQ.

How to Stop Spotify From Opening Automatically on Mac Startup

Quite like the feature of upgrading to Spotify premium, the app does not keep the said setting handy. It was after some poking around that I found the setting. In doing so, I found a setting perfectly suited to my case.

As I mentioned, I love music and tend to get distracted when Spotify pops up. So, instead of preventing Spotify from opening on startup, I can choose it to start and minimize on my Dock. This way, the app remains always approachable, without distracting.

Step #1. Open the Spotify app on your Mac.

Step #2.Log in to the app (skip the step if already logged in).

Step #3. Select Spotify from the top menu (next to Apple logo on Mac) and click on Preferences.

Step #4. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and select Show Advanced Settings.

Step #5. Now, scroll up to Startup and Window Behavior setting.

Step #6. From the drop down menu in front of Open Spotify automatically after you log into the computer, select

  • No to stop Spotify from opening on mac startup
  • Minimize to keep Spotify minimized during startup

In case, this method does not work for you, there’s another method you can try.


Change System Settings to Prevent Spotify from Opening on Mac Startup

So basically, your system keeps the log of apps that automatically open during the startup. This log might be pushing your Spotify app to open during every boot. All you need to do is remove Spotify from the list.

Step #1. Tap on Apple () icon and select System Preferences from the menu.


Step #2. Select Users & Groups.

Step #3. Here, switch to Login Items tab from the top bar.

Step #4. Select Spotify and click on Minus(-) from the bottom of the page.

Fixing Apps That Won't Open

You can also check the hide option; this will hide the application when you turn on your computer.

That’s all folks!!


In the world of music streaming, Spotify stands tall amongst its competitors. However, it is some small user-interface related issues that holds the app back. While no setting is difficult, finding and reaching that particular setting is a laborius process. For instance, you can only upgrade or delete your spotify account permanently via web.

While I wish Spotify takes heed of such issue and simplify these task.

Spotify App Won 27t Open On Mac Computer

Here are some more Spotify tutorials for you:-

Spotify is a digital music streaming service, which gives access to millions of songs of any and all genres. With Spotify, you can access your music via web player or app — on your Android phone, iOS device, or computer. Generally regarded as a very stable piece of software, Spotify is not entirely fault-proof. You may occasionally run into playback issues, unresponsiveness, slowdowns, or one of the internal error codes, which you can’t decipher right away. In this article, we’ll go over some of the most common Spotify issues and how to fix them, starting from the pausing error.

“Why does my current song randomly stop playing when using Spotify?”, a significant number of users have found themselves asking the dreaded question. The issue behind the unexpected playback stopping is a peculiarity of Spotify older versions. It is caused by simultaneous use of the same account on multiple devices. This frustrating issue is known to have been patched, yet if you find yourself stuck with unexpected pausing follow these steps: